The comedy duo Mutation uncovers a lost episode of Scooby Doo. Shabby gives Scooby a bong hit and their relationship will never be the same
Mutation #2 Comedy. Podcast. Talk. Sketch. Garnished Neighbor.
Topics: Scooby Finds His Voice – Ralph in a Cave
Garnished Neighbor is a double feature including the break up of Scooby and Shaggy, and “Ralph in a Cave.” In a rare look at the personal relationship between Shaggy and Scooby, Shaggy realizes his dog can speak like a human following a large bong hit. Shaggy is soon to regret giving Scooby a human voice.
In the second half or our presentation a celebrated radio host interviews a man who has been stuck in a cave for several years. Ralph, the man stuck in the cave, seems unappreciative of the media for interviewing him, then switches personality and criticizes the hosts professionalism.
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Live dialogue by Moonie D& J Bryant
Post Production by SVstudios & OICstudios