O I C Radio
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Showcasing creative content from local, regional and international artists: spoken word, music, and comedy.
Want to hear your creative content on O I C Radio? Submit your material for consideration.
Send us an email with “content submission” in the subject field. (Mp3 format ONLY. 320kbps including metadata)
Our Virtual Events via Zoom
SpoFest Poetry and Prose! Feature reader event for poets, writers and authors to promote their original work.
6-8pm CST, First and third Tuesday of each month!
Sign up and event guidelines can be found here!
SpoFest Writing Prompt, Rough Draft and Exquisite Corpse! an open mic style event for poets, writers, musicians and spoken word artists, with the focus on creating literary works based on prompts.
6-8pm CST, Last Tuesday of each month!
Sign up and event guidelines can be found here!
Welcome to my studio
We are a non-profit grassroots organization promoting area poets, writers and musicians. Please consider supportting local artists! Your donations will be used to fund future events.
Click here to Donate. All donations are safe and you will remain anonymous. Thank you.
My name is James. I am a writer, musician, comedian, actor, audio engineer, freelance agent, event coordinator and promoter.
You will find on this page links to the events I host, my collaborations with other artists and my own personal creative endeavors.
The O I C Studios Open Mic Night at Backwoods Guitar LLC in Sedalia Mo
SpoFest – spoken word event in Sedalia Mo
Senior Moments – Geriatric humor featuring old man Walter
James Bryant’s Poetry – A collection of my poetry narrated by myself and others
James Bryant’s Haiku – A collection of my haiku narrated by myself and others
One Snack Mind – The Adventures of Banshee the talking Cat
Contacting O I C Studios
Phone James:
660 553 4572
Email: oic.studios@gmail.com