SpoFest Online

SpoFest Poetry and Prose : Be A Featured Reader

If you’re looking for a writing prompt event, we host one on the last Tuesday of each month.
Sign Up and Guidelines for our Writing Prompt, Rough Draft and Open Mic event

What Is SpoFest?

SpoFest stands for spoken word festival.

SpoFest is an in-person and virtual spoken word event for poets, writers, and authors to promote and share their original work.

These events are hosted on the first Tuesday of each month from 6-8:30pm CT.

These events take place on Zoom, and are streamed live to our SpoFest Facebook page.

Zoom doors open around 5:30pm CT. Facebook live stream begins around 6pm CT.

Each event is recorded live, and will be available to watch on-demand when the event has ended.

Be sure to bookmark our event page to keep up-to-date on future SpoFest events!!!
Our Calendar of Events!

Event Format

There are two parts to being a feature reader for SpoFest: the live reading and pre show interview.

There are three featured readers for each live reading event. Features receive 20 minutes to read which is divided up into thre sets: 7, 7 and 6.

Features are also required to provide a new or old publication of theirs in our book raffle, and ship it to the winner. Features can specify how far they are willing to ship: U. S. or anywhere.

Our live readings take place on the first Tuesday of each month from 6-8:30pm CT.

Our interviews are prerecorded two weeks prior to the live reading (third Tuesday of each month from 6-7pm CT,) and are conducted with the three features at the same time.

E.g. If March 7th is the live reading, then Feb 21 would be the pre show interview.

Watch one of our past interviews to get an idea what to expect

You can read any genre or style of writing, both fiction and non-fiction. (original works only)

There is also Q & A during the live reading, in which we learn more about our featured readers.

The event contains 11 segments, and will be conducted in the following manner.

Segment 1: First reading set from features (7 mins)

Segment 2: First Did You Know — facts about literature

Segment 3: Second reading set from features (7 mins)

Segment 4: Second Did You Know — facts about literature

Segment 5: Q and A with our three features

Segment 6: Final reading set from features (6 mins)

Segment 7: Looking Ahead — the next must-watch SpoFest feature and writing prompt events

Segment 8: Words From The Purple Poet Judy Turek

Segment 9: Open Mic

Segment 10: Book Raffle with Ms. Banshee the cat

Segment 11: After-party

Open Mic Guidelines:

Up to 3 minutes per reader. Be ready to read when called upon.

Sign up to read in our open mic when you register with Zoom. The Zoom register link can be found on each Facebook event page.

** Please refer to the “Connecting With Us” section below if you would like to read for SpoFest. Thank you! **

Featured Reader Guidelines: updated 01/05/2022

These guidelines are designed so that you sound your very best: organized and prepared, and that the event moves along in a timely manner.

If you sound like a professional, it’s more likely the viewing audience will be interested in your work, and possibly buying your books as well.

Featured readers will use Zoom to participate in the event. Download and Learn how to use it:
Using Zoom

Let the host know in advance of the event if you need to use Zoom’s screen share to present photos or videos during one of your turns at reading.

We ask that featured readers show up early on Zoom: 5:30-5:45pm CT.

By showing up early, the host and co-host can resolve any audio/video issues, and to answer any last minute questions before the event begins at 6pm CT.

We encourage all readers to use a headset mic or lapel mic. This will allow for a much more enjoyable listening experience for yourself and the audience.

It is VERY IMPORTANT that you time yourself reading each of your selections before the event.

Timers will be used to help prevent featured readers from going over their allotted time.

Here’s a handy tool to determine how long it takes to read your selections. Simply paste your selection into the box provided and receive an estimate instantly!
Handy Read-O-Meter

Be ready to read when it’s your turn.

Any prefatory material such as introducing your work, is counted towards your time.

Keep an eye on the time as you’re reading, or set a timer on your phone.

Readers will be responsible for muting and unmuting themselves when beginning and ending their turn at reading.

Please say “thank you” when you are finished with your turn at reading.

Find a quiet place and make sure Zoom is the only app running on your system.

Be respectful and kind to your fellow readers.

If you need to leave the event for any reason, do so. You do not need to explain why. We’ll assume the reason was important.

We strongly embrace our right to free speech. However, do not use EXCESSIVE profanity or vulgarity.

Signing Up To Be A Featured Reader

Poets, writers and authors, please visit the following link if you would like to be a featured reader for SpoFest in 2023:
Featuring for SpoFest in 2023

Slots are available on a first come, first served basis.

Please note: we are experiencing increased interest from the writing community and slots are being filled quickly. So act fast!

** Let us know as soon as you can if you are not able to read on the date scheduled. This gives us time to schedule someone else. Thank you. **

This concludes our sign up and event guidelines. Read on if you would like to learn how this event can help promote you and your original work.

Ways In Which Being A Featured Reader Can Help Promote You And Your Original Work

This is an excellent opportunity for poets, authors, and writers to:

Promote themselves and their work
Promote their new book
Reach a new audience
Meet editors
And maybe find a publisher!


Like and share on Facebook any SpoFest audio, video and written content you are a part of.
Invite your fellow poets, authors, and writers to read at future events
Invite your family and friends to watch the events you’re reading at.

The SpoFest Team

Host: James Bryant

Co-host: Rick C. Christiansen

Words of Wisdom: The Purple Poet, J R Turek

Voice-overs: Kristie Fox

Music: Tony Shaffer

Connecting with Us

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact James on Facebook, or if you would prefer, give him a call. We’d be happy to walk you through the sign up process!

Contact SpoFest founder and host James on Facebook

Phone: 660 553 4572

Watch each SpoFest live stream event here! (includes on-demand content of past SpoFest events)

SpoFest Open Mic Poetry and Prose FB page

SpoFest Open Mic FB group

Subscribe to our YouTube channel!

Find us on Twitter:


SpoFest: Spoken Word Festival
Good To The Last Word

2023 SpoFest Poetry and Prose Calendar Of Events. All events are from 6-8:30pm CT

March 7th:

Richard Spisak, Bonnie Proudfoot and Freddy Fonseca

April 4th:

Bob Walicki, Jennifer Nuesi

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